Mt Rainier
Mt Rainier
Mt Rainier
Mt Rainier
Mount Rainier Sunrise
Mount Rainier Sunrise
Mount Rainier
Mount Rainier
Artist Point
Artist Point
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mount Baker
Mount Baker
Mount Baker
Mount Baker
Mt Baker/Conway Lutheran Church
Mt Baker/Conway Lutheran Church
Mount Baker
Mount Baker
Mt Baker
Mt Baker
Mt Baker
Mt Baker
Mt Baker
Mt Baker
Mount Shuksan
Mount Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan / Fall
Mt Shuksan / Fall
Mt Shuksan/early snow
Mt Shuksan/early snow
Mt Three Fingers
Mt Three Fingers
Winchester Mountain/Twin Lakes
Winchester Mountain/Twin Lakes
Mt Rainier
Mt Rainier
Mt Rainier
Mt RainierMorning fog.  80 miles south
Mount Rainier Sunrise
Mount Rainier SunriseSpectacular sunrise
Mount Rainier
Mount RainierFrom the foggy valley to the distant Mount Rainier
Artist Point
Artist PointArtist Point trails provide spectacular views. This one looking south east down to the distant Baker Lake
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mount Baker
Mount Baker
Mount Baker
Mount Baker
Mt Baker/Conway Lutheran Church
Mt Baker/Conway Lutheran Churcha long lens brings the distant (50 miles) mountain close to the church
Mount Baker
Mount Bakerview from Artist Point
Mt Baker
Mt BakerMount Baker and the Conway Lutheran Church. The mountain is about 40 miles beyond the church.
Mt Baker
Mt Baker
Mt Baker
Mt BakerFrom Baker Lake
Mount Shuksan
Mount ShuksanPicture Lake in the foreground
Mt Shuksan
Mt ShuksanSpectacular! This is perhaps my favorite of all images of this magnificent mountain. Likely the most photographed mountain in the world (the paved road is less than 50 yards away). Clouds are streaming over the mountain in this fall photograph with picture lake in the foreground.
Mt Shuksan
Mt ShuksanFrom Artist Point
Mt Shuksan
Mt ShuksanNorth fork of Nooksack River in the foreground
Mt Shuksan
Mt ShuksanThe top of the mountain in it’s winter covering
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksanphoto taken from the parking lot at Artist Point.
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan
Mt Shuksan / Fall
Mt Shuksan / Fall
Mt Shuksan/early snow
Mt Shuksan/early snow
Mt Three Fingers
Mt Three Fingers
Winchester Mountain/Twin Lakes
Winchester Mountain/Twin Lakes
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